EBN Cleveland
EBN Cleveland, the charter affiliate, was organized in 2010 to honor the contributions of preceding and present generations of persons of color who attended or are attending Ohio University. Bobcat spirit and pride run deeply in this affiliate. With a focus on philanthropy, we promote fundraising activities in support of the EBN Urban Scholarship Endowment.
Cleveland’s vibrant arts community has inspired us to focus a major part of our philanthropic endeavors on theater arts. A partnership between EBN-Cleveland, Ohio University School of Theater, and local theaters with Bobcat connections (Ensemble Theater, Karamu, Cleveland Playhouse) has been uniquely successful.
Membership is open to all graduates and attendees of Ohio University, their families, friends, and all supporters of the EBN mission. We are actively engaged in increasing recruitment, enrollment, retention, and graduation rates of African American students through community events and outreach to schools, parents, and alumni.
We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm EST. Our meetings are conducted both in person as well as virtually.
If you would like to join the Cleveland affiliate or request to be added to our mailing list and receive meeting information, please contact us at EBNCleve@gmail.com
Please visit our Facebook page at: Ebony Bobcat Network Cleveland